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External Factors As Determinant Of Career Choice Among Selected Secondary School Students In Kwara State, Nigeria

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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This study investigated social factors as correlates of career choice among secondary school students in Ilorin West Local Government area of Kwara State. One hundred students were randomly selected from four schools in the four educational zones of the local government. The respondents consisted of 62 male and 38 female respondents. The ages of the respondents ranged from 12 to 19 years with 14.56 and 10.39 the mean age and standard deviation of the ages respectively. A self-construsted research instrument (r = 0.72) was used to collect the research data. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was the statistical procedure adopted for this study. Three research questions and hypotheses were tested at 0.05 critical region. The findings showed that there was significant relationship between maternal attachment and career choice of secondary school students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State (r. calculated = 0.58, df = 254 P < 0.05); there was significant relationship between paternal attachment and career choice of secondary school students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State (r calculated = 0.48, df = 254 P < 0.05); and that there is significant relationship between peer influence and career choice of secondary school students in Florin West Local Government Area of Kwara State (r. calculated = 0.48, df = 254 P < 0,05). The findings were discussed and the necessary recommendations bade on the findings of the study were highlighted. The study was concluded by offering suggestions for further studies on this or similar topic.









TITLE PAGE                                                                                                  i

CERTIFICATION                                                                                           ii

DEDICATION                                                                                                iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                            iv

ABSTRACT                                                                                                    vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                vii



Background to the Study                                                                                1

Statement of the Problem                                                                               4

Purpose of the Study                                                                                      5

Research Question                                                                                          6

Research Hypothesis                                                                                      6

Significance of the Study                                                                               7

Scope of the Study                                                                                         7

Operational Definition of Terms                                                                   8


Concept of Career Choice                                                                              9

Concept of Parental Attachment                                                                    17

Concept of Peer Pressure/Influence                                                               21

Theoretical Framework                                                                                  24

Empirical Review of Literature                                                                     26

Appraisal of Literature Reviewed                                                                  30


Research Design                                                                                             31

Population of the Study                                                                                  31

Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                   31

Research Instrument(s)                                                                                  32

Validity of Instrument                                                                                    33

Reliability of the Instrument                                                                          34

Procedure for Data Collection                                                                       34

Method of Data Analysis                                                                               34


Presentation of Results                                                                                  36

Discussion of Findings                                                                                   42



Summary                                                                                                         44

Conclusion                                                                                                      44

Limitations                                                                                                     45


Recommendations                                                                                          45

Suggestions for further Studies                                                                     47

REFERENCES                                                                                              48

APPENDIX                                                                                                    52



Background to the Study

A person’s career is the sum of all the paid and unpaid work that they do during their lifetime. As a result, a person’s career includes all of the roles, professions, or occupations they occupy during their lives. It is the sum of all the effort a person does during their lifetime. Due to the fact that it describes the person, it defines them. One’s occupation fulfils more demands than any other human activity. Therefore, it is crucial for a person to choose the right profession choice (NCDA 2003). One of the many crucial decisions students will make that will affect their future plans is choosing a career.

The decision is so significant because it has the capacity of affecting the entire life of the individual. If the choice is properly made, it will guarantee some level of career success or satisfaction (NCDA 2003).However, if the opposite becomes the case, there will be no career satisfaction, and this will ultimately affect the entire life of the individual in a negative way. Such situations abound today among adults and young adults who do not find fulfilment in what they are doing at the moment. The implication is that a student, who understands himself or herself in relation to what they will want to do in life, will make a career choice that revolve around their personality (Savicka, 2013).). In an individual’s work therefore, his/her personality and values can be understood.

It is apparent that a major problem facing adolescent students in Nigerian secondary school is that of choosing an appropriate and relevant choice of subjects in schools, securing admission into higher institutions and finding a satisfactory job after university education. This is the first and major challenge that confronts young people. (Lareau, 2015).contended that no other decision a young person makes, is so crucial for happiness in life as his or her choice of an appropriate career and the relevant educational preparation for it. Many reasons of factors could be advanced for the above. Research on the choice of career among secondary school students has for long being ofinterest to educational psychologists and professional counselors.Although. some studies have been carried out on the factors that influenced the choice of career among secondary schools students (Mohtar et al., 2019).They did not investigate thoroughly the influence of environmental factors on students choice of career instead, emphasis were placed on factors such as personality type, prestige and economic rewards.

However, research evidence shows that the choices of career among secondary school students are determined by a combination of social and psychological factors. This is why Van Tuijl, s& van der Molen (2016) suggested an investigation into social factors such as: family background, parental attachment, school environment, religious institutions and peer group and their influence on students’ choice of career.

Career, according to Westman Brough & Kalliath (2009) refers to job or series of job an individual does in his/her working life. Thus, choosing a career simply means you are choosing a life job. However, all careers have their subjects requirements, personality characteristics and personal abilities which are supposed to be fully assessed before individual can be deemed qualified to go into specific careers (Onayase & Onayase, 2009).

Career indecision has become a major concern of career psychologists, practitioners, researchers, and educators (Gaffner & Hazler. 2002; Vignoli, 2009). The inability to make career related decisions is a common occurrence for adolescents and young adults (Braunstein-Bercovitz, Benjamin, Asor, & Lev, 2012). Past research has noted that exploring, selecting, and committing to a career choice is a major developmental task of young adults (Erikson, 1968; Vignoli, 2009). Early adulthood is the developmentally appropriate time one must begin to make career related decisions, plans, and choices (Vignoli, 2009). In the past, career indecision was not a major concern because people were not being pushed to revise their career decisions, as they are currently (Gaffner & Hazler, 2002).

Bluestein et al. (2005) theorized that the quality of young adult’ relationship with their parents is related to the ability to engage in career development activities. The attachment relationship formed with an individual’s parents may provide a sense of security, allowing a young adult to begin the career exploration process (Germeijs & Verschueren, 2009). Moreover, Ketterson and Blustein (2003) found a positive correlation between secure attachment relationships and career exploration. Family relationships, specifically parental attachment, appear to influence the career exploration processes of young adults.

Similar to parental attachment, peer relationships have been found to influence an individual’s career choices (Felsman & Blustein, 2004; Wilkinson, 2004). As adolescents separate from their families, secure attachments are transferred and fostered in peer relationships. As a result, young adults with positive peer relationships experience a sense of freedom in regard to making career choices. Allowing them to explore career options in greater depth. Close interpersonal relationships provide individuals with opportunities to learn about themselves through peer interaction (S& Blustein, 2005). This study assessed whether external factors (parental attachment and peer influence) have relationships with the career choice of secondary selected student in Ilorin west, Kwara State

Statement of the Problem

Given that career indecision is a major concern for emerging adults, researchers must address from where the inability to make choices and explore one’s environment stems. For the scope of the study, career choices is the purposeful, active selection process of potential career opportunities. Past research has found relationships between career indecision, environmental exploration, self-esteem, and attachment relationships (Ketterson & Blustein, 2003; Vignoli, 2009). Securely attached adolescents are more likely to take positive risks when exploring their environment than insecurely attached adolescents. Secure attachment allows an adolescent to comfortably explore non traditional career alternatives and opportunities.

Adolescents may also prematurely commit to career choices without sufficient environmental exploration or never fully commit to a specific career path. Both of these outcomes may be detrimental to future developmental transitions of an adolescent approaching adulthood (Feslman & Blustein, 2005). Given these possible outcomes, it is important to understand the specific factors contributing to young adult selection and commitment of career paths in order to better guide individuals experiencing career indecision.

Adolescents face many challenges as they approach adulthood. Of these challenges, exploring one’s environment and committing to a career path are critical events that rand it one to adulthood (Erikson, as cited in Felsman & Blustein, 2005). To address his anomaly, there is need to examine factors that could assist the adolescent in making realistic career choice. The present study focused on the different social factors (maternal attachment, paternal attachment and peer influence) that may affect a young adult’s career decision-making and selection process.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research work is to establish the relationship between:

  1. Maternal attachment and career choices of selected secondary school students in Ilorin West, Area of Kwara State.
  2. Paternal attachment and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin West, Area of Kwara State.
  3. Peer influence and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin West, Area of Kwara State.

Research Questions

  1. Would there be a significant relationship between maternal attachment and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin west, Kwara State?
  2. Would there be a significant relationship between paternal attachment and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin west, Kwara State?
  3. Would there be a significant relationship between peer attachment and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin west, Kwara State?

Research Hypotheses

Ho1:    There is no significant relationship between maternal attachment and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin West, Kwara State.

Ho2:    There is no significant relationship between paternal attachment and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin West, Kwara State.

Ho3:    There is no significant relationship between peer influence and career choice of selected secondary school students in Ilorin West, Kwara State.


Significance of the Study

The importance of the study includes the ability to provide valuable information on the influence of social factors on the choice of career among selected secondary school students.

The outcome of this study will pave way for how to help secondary school in making realistic career choice. This will also enhance their career maturity.

The outcome of this study will serve as extension in the frontier of knowledge on career choice. It will improve, serve as means of improving the literature material on career choice and its correlates.

Scope of the Study

The study centres on examining the relationship between external factors (paternal attachment, maternal attachment and peer influence) and career choice of selected secondary students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. All other factors beside the above mentioned are not intended for the study. The target participant of the study are selected secondary school students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. Secondary school students in other local government Area of Kwara State and by extension throughout the country are not intended for this study.



Operational Definition of Terms

CareerChoice: This describes the occupational path the secondary selected students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State.

ExternalFactors: These describe the maternal attachment and peer influence of selected secondary students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. Peer Influence: This describes the pressure mounted on the selected secondary school students in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State by their friend in influencing their behavior.



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