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Fingerprint biometric attendance system suspended in some Egyptian  institutions - EgyptToday




  • Background to the study

Biometrics have existed for thousands of years, yet they are not primitive. Through the course of the last few millennia, biometrics have evolved from simple methods of classification to identity authenticators using a range of modalities. Allow us to go back in time and assess the current state and future directions of biometrics. El-Abed (2012). A biometric identification system was first documented in Paris, France, in the 1800s, while the first known accounts of biometrics date to the Babylonian monarchy in 500 BC. In order to compare and classify prisoners, Alphonse Bertillon developed a system of distinct body measurements. Although far from perfect, this method was the first to exploit distinctive biological characteristics for authentication. (2021) Administration The 1880s saw the rise of fingerprinting as a kind of contract signature in addition to a means of identifying offenders. It was discovered that a fingerprint served as an identifying marker and could be utilized to hold someone accountable. Although there are differing opinions regarding the originator of fingerprint identification, Edward Henry is credited with creating the Henry Classification System, a fingerprinting standard. (2021) Administration This was the original fingerprint-based form of identification. Law enforcement quickly adopted the idea and Bertillon’s techniques were superseded as the accepted approach for criminal identification. This led to a century of investigation into what other unique physiological characteristics might be used to identify people. (Head of Department, 2021). Over the following century, biometrics underwent a remarkable amount of evolution as a field of study.

The 1900s had so many innovations that it would be hard to list them all, thus these are the main ones from the latter part of the century. In order to extract relevant feature points from images using semi-automated facial recognition technology developed in the 1960s, administrators had to analyze facial traits inside the image. Much more manual than what we might use to access our phones. By 1969, fingerprint and facial identification were sufficiently ubiquitous in law enforcement that the FBI set aside funds to research automated systems. This prompted the creation of increasingly sophisticated sensors for biometric capture and data extraction. In the 1980s, the National Institute of Standards and technologies formed a Voice division to investigate and enhance voice recognition technologies. These trials laid the groundwork for current voice command and recognition systems. The concept that irises, like fingerprints, were unique to each individual was proposed in 1985, and the first iris identification method was copyrighted in 1994. Furthermore, it was discovered that blood vessel patterns in the eyes were unique to each person and could be used for authentication. Facial detection technology, which enables real-time recognition, was invented in 1991. Despite their shortcomings, these techniques sparked a surge of interest in facial recognition research. By the 2000s, there were hundreds of biometric authentication recognition algorithms in use and patented in the United States. Biometrics were no longer used solely in large corporations or the government. They were commercially sold and used at large-scale events, including the 2001 Super Bowl. Biometric technology research has advanced at a phenomenal rate during the previous ten years alone. Biometrics has evolved from a revolutionary technology to an essential part of everyday life. In 2013, Apple introduced fingerprint recognition to the iPhone, ushering in mainstream acceptance of biometric authentication. Most smartphones now have biometric capabilities, and many applications use biometrics as an authentication method for basic tasks. Despite all of the advancements, the potential for biometric authentication and identity development remains vast. As biometrics research progresses, we can expect it to be merged with AI. The ultimate goal is to develop biometric devices and systems that can learn and adapt to their users. Providing a smooth authentication experience. As biometrics grow more widespread, the use of identity proxies may become obsolete. You no longer need to carry keys, cards, or fobs because you can use yourself as proof of identification. A future with a clearly defined society, frictionless transactions, interactions, and access control could be on the way. Do not fall behind the times! Stay ahead of the curve by using biometric identification authentication in your access control systems (Admin, 2021).

Statement of Problem

There are more names on the attendance list as there are more students enrolled. Maintaining these attendance records becomes challenging, and an appropriate backup is not created. The traditional approach is still used in most institutions, primarily in labs and lecture halls. A sheet of paper with a list of students’ names to sign will be handed out by the instructor or lecturer. In some cases, the students may also be required to fill it out with their name, student ID, and matriculation number in order to prove that they were present for the class. The student attendance list is frequently fabricated in this way. Let’s say one student is sick, but there is still a chance for another student to sign. Students must have access to a fingerprint authentication system in order to prevent this issue. The use of biometric recognition will be made to monitor each student’s attendance in a particular class.