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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00


The centrality of manpower in production process of corporate entities has long been acknowledged by organization managers and administrators. What seem to be manpower needs in order to cope with the fast changing technology, product and skills needs of modern organizations. This first unit of Manpower Planning and administration highlights on the significance of manpower planning as a corporate survival strategy in a dynamic business environment. In this research appropriate data were collected in which analysis and interpretation were given and conclusion and recommendation proffer which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefit to the general public


  • Background of the studies

Manpower planning and cooperate objectives is a very important aspect of any organization as the success and failure of an organization is dependent on the quality of its manpower. The over all development of a country revolves on the level of manpower utilization. This has made manpower planning and development imperative for any successful organization. Maintaining a competitive edge in any segment where multiple players exist is only possible with people and talent. It has got an important place in the arena of industrialization. Manpower planning and development are two important pillars for achieving effectiveness and efficiency in organization. It has been observed that both pre and post colonial administrations of Nigeria had failed to accord adequate regard to manpower planning and development. Labour was relegated to background among other factors of production. The human resources planning and staff development for national growth and development were distorted. These affected the availability of human resources for improvement of socio-economic and political development during the first and second national development planning. This was made clearly in Nnadozie (2004), he states thus; the unrealistic nature of the 1962-68 plan objectives and targets become more apparent when they are juxtaposed with the financial, technical and managerial capabilities of the country. In recognition of the needs for human resources planning led to introducing of the policy for Manpower Planning and Development in Nigeria at the period of 1960’s and 70’s. Specifically, in the year 1962, federal republic of Nigeria created National manpower board (NMB) with the responsibility for determining the manpower needs and developments. To enhance the manpower need in local government, federal military Government in 1978 selected three universities, University Nigeria, Nsukka, Obefemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Though ideals do not approximate reality, the socio-economic and political development of Nigeria state has become elusive due to inappropriate and inadequate manpower planning and development. Planning in Nigerian public service has become a gambling affair. Public service in Nigeria especially local government usually embark on manpower planning with inadequate data on the evolutionary trends of an organization, partly on organization’s personnel, external relations, and general organization’s objectives Development of workers is no longer a matter of a necessity to much management as a result of inability to forecast future manpower needs in relation to the organizations’ objectives. Training in local government, despite the selection of the universities named above to under take training of local government workers; training is still sporadic, unstructured and unsystematic. There is little emphasis on training for technical and professional staff; such as surveyors, accountants, engineer and doctors. This finally retards the progress of an organization. The resources of organization are diverse but human resources is recognized as the most important out of other resources required for effective and efficient service delivery in local government. Human resources are the key to rapid socio-economic development and efficient service delivery. In addition, Mwagbala (2005) posits that “it is Human resources of a nation not its capital, nor its material resources that determines the nature of, direction and pace of its socio-economic development. Essentially, nations are built through the creative, productive and innovative hardworking of people. At best financial resources can only facilitates production, but real wealthy is increased by productive labour activity. The quality of company’s personnel is the single factor that determines whether the organization is going to be successful, whether the organization will realize a satisfactory return on its investment and whether it will reach its basic objectives. Getting the right caliber of people through the process of recruitment to meet the organization’s need is not just enough; this makes manpower development crucial in an organization. Development of employees in enterprises is associated with long run profitability of organization. Organizational effectiveness is strengthened through workforce development. In other words, it improves employee’s productivity and increases their loyalty to the company and their job satisfaction. Manpower development is a link between the manpower planning and organizations objectives. In analysis of the above, manpower planning and development are necessary for effective productivity, growth and development. Unless there is planning, event is left to a chance affair, planning minimize risk while taking advantage of opportunities. When adequate arrangement are not being made for future manpower needs of the organization, the organization find itself fighting with emergencies as the manpower needs arises. This may definitely resulted in spending more money for hiring manpower. It also results in procuring wrong personnel which may have devastating effects on the organization. In a critical analyses of the above, manpower planning and development are path way to sustainable development. In view of this, both private sector and public have to embrace manpower planning and development if Nigeria really wants promote sustainable development. Local government which is regarded as non-functioning sector will turn to functioning sector if adequate emphasis would be accord to manpower planning and development. manpower planning is an on-going process (integrated approach), not a once and for all phenomenon. Its process involves interrelated activities and the plan must continue to be modified to meet prevailing circumstances. As a plan, it is embedded with implementation programmes designed to ensure availability of adequate qualified persons. Such implementation programmes include recruitment and selection (employment) of required skilled personnel to perform jobs that will allow the enterprise meet both the corporate and individual goals. The plan implementation programme also entails training and development of personnel and performance appraisal as well as other related personnel administration functions. The term ‘Manpower Planning’ at organizational or corporate level is also known as micro-human resources planning and it has much to do with personnel management or personnel administration. The terms “manpower, ‘human resource”, and personnel management or personnel administration refer to the same activities concerned with managing people at work. As such the terms can be used interchangeably. On this basis, Manpower Planning and Human Resources Planning (HRP) are the same phenomenon


The quality and quantity of services delivery of local government for two decade now had generated national crisis. There have been sharp drop in effectiveness and efficiency with which local governments discharge their constitutional responsibilities. This is justified by pathetic nature of the high rates of under development in our rural areas. This is as a result of nonchalant attitude of the management and government over human resources planning and development which are essential for any organization which wants to remain relevant in our dynamic society. Organization is established in order to achieve stated objectives or goals. To achieve these objectives, effective human resources must be in place. Since every organization depends on its employees for its survival and accomplishment of its task, manpower planning and development are crucial in all organizations be it private or public sectors especially in local governments where their constitutional responsibilities appear elusive. Paradoxically in our contemporary society, emphasis has shifted from manpower planning and staff development to controlling and sharing of the national cake meant for implementation of the development projects. Human resources planning are considered as luxury affairs and human resources supply is seen as an elastic item which can be expanded anywhere leading to acute neglect of manpower planning. Recruitment in local government has turned to political patronage for political aspirant and party loyalist. This has a negative impact on the performance or productivity of organization. Some organizations that embarked on planning usually end up not achieving the objectives as result of inadequate and inaccurate data on personnel profile and on projected objectives. Poor data management abounds in local government because of lack of adequate skilled employee and continued use of manual /filing methods. These have adverse affect on manpower planning. Further more, there is highly recognized poor human resources development and utilization in various public organizations. There is growing evidence that lack of investment in the development and training of workers is associated with the long-run bankruptcy of organization. In addition, inadequate development of employees contributed to poor performance of local governments in Nigeria. This is traceable to poor human resources management. Human resources management according to Mathis and Jackson (1977) is the design of formal system in an organization to ensure effective use of human talent to accomplish organizational objectives. It is a set of activities directed to attracting development, utilizing and maintaining an effective workforce. In view of the above, manpower planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, promotion and compensation which are the critical aspects of human resources management had been neglected and manipulated by incompetent personnel managers. critical analysis of relevant data on the performance of local government in Nigeria in this our contemporary society expose to its totality the chaotic situation which pervaded the whole system as result of negative attitude to human resources planning and development. Many key officials occupying sensitive positions in local government are new entrants in the system, the worst of it all is that they lack pre-requisite of administration. They assumed the positions through Nigeria system of “whom do you know” and political patronage. Performance of organization cannot be explained to large extent outside those that operate it. This leads to sharp decline in quality and quantity of service delivery. It is in responds of the above back drop that makes manpower planning and development imperative in this study. The place of manpower planning and development cannot be compromise in the achievement of development in our localities. The following research questions were raise;

  • What is appropriate manpower planning process for effective service delivery in local government service?
  • Does recruitment of unqualified personnel influence productivity of local government?
  • What is the relationship between development of employee in local government services and employee’s performance?
  • What are measures to improve manpower planning process and staff development?





The general objective of this study is to explore the manpower planning and cooperate objectives in Lagos with the view to improve higher productivity in the State. Specific objective include:

  • To identify manpower planning process and its impacts on productivity.
  • To examine building of employee’s capabilities as a tool of inducing workers for maximum productivity.
  • To investigate the relationship between the recruitment of right caliber of employee and quality and quantity of service delivery.
  • To identify improve manpower planning process and staff development

For the successful completion of this studies, the following research question were put forward:

  1. What is the role of manpower training in attaining cooperate objective?
  2. How has manpower training enhanced the attainment of cooperate objective?
  • What are the constrain to manpower training in Lagos state?
  1. How can Lagos state attain effective manpower training and cooperate objectives?


The significance of this study lies on its functional objectives. This research study is very much imperative for our national development. This is because development of any country depends largely on its human resources. Theoretically, in our contemporary society in which research form the basis for academic study, this research work constitute a veritable research material in all field of study as manpower is essential in all endeavor. In line with the above, it is necessary in sensitizing those in the realm of affairs of in the state and to incorporate and enhance the study of human resources planning and development in all administrative and management courses as manpower planning is crucial for national development.


This study focuses on manpower planning and cooperate objectives in Lagos state. The researcher examined the staff recruitment, selection, placement, staff training and development process. The constraints to this research are numerous. A lot of the finance was required to investigate extensively the extent manpower planning and cooperate objectives was being carried out in Lagos state

AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study


Manpower Planning is also called as Human Resource Planning. Manpower planning is the process of estimating or projecting the number of personnel required for a project (with different skill sets) over a predefined period of time. It also includes the details like how and when they will be acquired. This whole process is done keeping in view the goals of the organization.



Cooperate Objective

A well defined and realistic goal set by a company that often influences its internal strategic decisions. Most corporate objective targets used by a business will specify the time frame anticipated for their achievement and how the company’s success in doing so is to be assessed.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study its based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study



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