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Strategies for Effective Implementation of Adult Education Programmes in Niger State

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦5,000.00

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Adult Education in Agriculture


The study was carried out to examine the strategies for effective implementation of adult education programmes in Niger State. More than any other vocation, adult education alters the social and psychological makeup of individuals. Adult education gives adults hope and frees them from the self-perception that they are incapable of learning. This study’s primary goal was to examine managerial and administrative strategies for the Adult Education Agency in Niger State. The population of the study was restricted to 134 adult learners and teachers from selected adult learning centers in Minna Local Government Area.  The research was directed by three research questions. Among the conclusions reached are the following: sufficient infrastructures, facilities; provision of instructional materials and resources required in adult education centers; and the improvement of adult education instructors’ quality through workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training, incentives, and appropriate supervision. The results also showed, among other things, that program planning should incorporate adult education specialists. It was suggested that adult education centers provide the required facilities and that in-service training for instructors should be scheduled on a regular basis. According to the study, management and administration at the adult education agency in Niger State refers to the management techniques that are currently in place and how they are implemented inside the organization. Planning, execution, organizing, directing, staffing, supervising, and budgeting are a few of them.




                                                        CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background of the Study

The purpose of education is to help people learn about different cultures and shape their behavior to fit into adult roles in society. Since learning happens at every stage of a person’s life, one important aspect of education is that it is a lifelong process.  Education goes beyond simply imparting literacy; it also fosters critical thinking, self-reliance, and exceptional contributions to the long-term economic growth of a nation. Woessmann and Hanushek (2012): The goal of the Education 2030 Agenda is to guarantee high-quality learning outcomes for all people at all stages of life, with a focus on the development of workforce skills. It extends beyond early childhood education to include youth and adult education and training. Although education can come from formal and informal educational settings, life experiences, and extracurricular activities, it is generally divided into three categories: formal, informal, and non-formal. All three categories are important for role identification and fulfilling social roles. Over the years, formal education has received more attention than adult and non-formal education, which has led to societal malfunctions among adults—the majority of whom find it difficult to adapt to the dynamics of society.

“Any kind of education designed for the illiterate population, the formal school dropouts, and the unskilled and semi-skilled workers and carried on outside the formal school setting” is what adult education is defined as by Eyibe (2005:4). Adult education is “the process by which men and women in groups or institutional settings seek to improve themselves or their society by increasing their skills or knowledge or by their sensitivity,” according to UNESCO’s definition given in Eya, Ugwu, and Alu (2001:4). The academic discipline of adult education is tasked with finding solutions to issues related to the environment, politics, culture, and socioeconomic status. All forms of education and learning are included in adult education in order to guarantee that all adults are involved in their communities and the workforce. It refers to the full range of formal, non-formal, and informal learning processes that enable people who are considered adults by their community to grow and improve their capacity for working and living in a way that serves both their own interests and the interests of their communities, organizations, and societies (UNESCO and UIL, 2016).

Opportunities for adult learners to acquire pertinent knowledge and skills, including information and attitude modification for direct application to address current environmental and human problems, are provided by adult education.Adult education is a powerful tool for empowering people through the transfer of knowledge, competencies, and skills as well as the promotion of self-determined, bottom-up community and individual development via social inclusion and active citizenship (EAEA, 2018). In Nigeria, adult education is still in its infancy and faces significant challenges in terms of adoption and execution. In order to eliminate social exclusion costs that are both obvious and less obvious, adult education is essential for building social capital. To enhance active citizenship, adult learning is a significant underpinning. Basic skills and key skills are now recognized as essential unmet requirements for many individuals in both advanced and poorer parts of the globe.

According to UNESCO (2006), the proportion of illiterate adults in Sub-Saharan Africa is still rising. Over 167 million adults in Sub-Saharan Africa (38% of the adult population in the region) lacked literacy in 2008. In Africa, the percentage of illiteracy is still rising. According to a 2012 World Bank report, 37% of men and 56% of women live in the least developed countries. According to a 2012 study conducted in Nigeria by Ayodele and Adedokun, women’s lack of functional literacy is the reason for their exclusion from effective involvement in development activities. He suggested that life skills training be included within the broader categories of reading and numeracy, which are typically referred to as adult literacy and basic education, in order to bring about advancements in the field. They called for establishment of more centers for adult education in the country so that people may have easy access to education and thus become more functional on their job performance and in their communities.

For adult education programs in Nigeria to develop meaningfully, proper management is essential. The following are possible management procedures for adult education agencies in Nigeria: staffing, financing, supervision, planning, organizing, controlling of human and material resources, implementation, evaluation, staffing, and program evaluation, among other things. More specifically, in order for adult education programs in Nigeria to be effective, learners, staff, coordinators, and facilitators must all be sufficiently motivated to produce more. Welfare benefits are used by managers and authorities to boost output and performance within a company (Oluborode, 2007). It is impossible to overstate how crucial motivating techniques are to raising performance and participation in adult education. Facilitators who usually facilitate learning in adult education centres have significant roles to play in the development of adult education.

The objectives of mass literacy, adult and non-formal education as stipulated by FRN (2004):25) include:

  1. Provide functional literacy and continuing education for adults and youths who have never had the advantage of formal education or who did not complete their primary education. These include the nomads, migrant families, the disabled and other categories or groups, especially the disadvantaged gender.
  2. Provide functional and remedial education for those young people who did not complete secondary education.
  • Provide education for different categories of completers of the formal education system in order to improve their basic knowledge and skills.
  1. Provide in-service, on-the-job, vocational and professional training for different categories of workers and professionals in order to improve their skills, and,
  2. Give the adult citizens of the country necessary aesthetic, cultural and civic education for public enlightenment.

These goals are admirable and ought to be actively pursued in order to advance the nation’s human resource base. However, there are numerous issues with Nigeria’s adult education program that could prevent these goals from being achieved. Given the significance of adult education in enhancing the human capital of developing nations like Nigeria, the focus of this study is on the tactics required to administer adult education programs effectively.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The Nigerian adult education program is plagued with numerous issues that make it difficult to provide adult learners with a high-quality education. Anyanwu (2010) lists a few issues that make it difficult to implement adult education effectively, including a lack of financing, subpar facilities, inappropriate locations for adult education centers, and inadequate supervision. Examining numerous adult education facilities in Nigeria reveals that adult educators are often recruited from secondary schools. The secondary school dropouts don’t have any topic area specializations and don’t know anything about the theories and practices of adult education. In Nigeria, adult education programs are offered in run-down elementary and secondary government-owned school buildings with tables and chairs that are too small for adults to use. The program’s organizers use elementary school reading books, particularly those used in literacy classes, which lack adult graphics and taste. The management procedures that were previously discussed in this study are ineffective in Nigeria, particularly when it comes to supervision, the lack of vehicles for supervisors, the unfavorable learning environment, the lack of facilities for learners, the failure of local government chairmen to pay facilitators, the lack of funding, the lack of manpower training, and the absence of a uniform curriculum, among other issues (State Agency for Mass Literacy Adult and Non-formal Education Niger, 2014). According to the findings, adult education desperately needs efficient management techniques. Even a cursory glance at the International Benchmarks for Adult Literacy reveals that Nigeria is not currently operating within the recommended framework for adult literacy programs, despite the praiseworthy efforts made in literacy education by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (Nigeria). These include: insufficient funding for teachers, equipment, materials, and other resources; reliance on donors and a low regard for education; a lackluster literacy environment that prevents the long-term maintenance of literacy skills; literacy instructors lacking the necessary training in gender awareness and facilitation techniques; inadequate facilities; subpar teaching/learning materials; and curriculum that is irrelevant, among other reasons (Fasokun & Pwol, 2005). All of these and other issues found in Nigeria’s adult education programme, if not addressed immediately, could threaten the government’s efforts to achieve the goal of establishing adult education in Nigeria.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The general purpose of this study is to find out the strategies for effective implementation of adult education programme. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To examine the adult instructors’ strategies that can help improve adult education programme.
  2. To suggest the instructional material strategies that can help improve adult education programme.
  • To find out the infrastructural strategies that can improve adult education programme.

1.5 Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:

  1. What are adult instructors’ strategies that can improve adult education programme?
  2. What are the instructional material strategies that can improve adult education programme?
  3. What are the infrastructural strategies that can improve adult education programme?

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study will help the following groups: adult education coordinators, facilitators, ministry of education and curriculum planners, and policymakers.

This study is relevant in a number of ways, the most important of which is that it will raise awareness among policymakers, educational administrators, and curriculum planners about the importance of planning for effective curriculum implementation in adult secondary schools. This will help to reduce unemployment among adult secondary school graduates, resulting in well-adjusted individuals who will increase the country’s economic production.

In addition to providing coordinators of adult and continuing education with feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the curriculum, the study’s findings and recommendations will deepen our understanding of Nigerian adult and continuing education and training for learners aged eighteen and over. It is hoped that this research will also generate information useful in the development/innovation and change of adult and continuing education curriculum. The study will also assist coordinators in identifying pertinent teaching/learning resources. Finally, the work will assist in selecting the appropriate facilitators, who are expected to have received the required minimum level of training and education in order to be recognized as trained facilitators and allowed to teach with such recognition.

It is anticipated that the study would identify a few of the obstacles to adult education curriculum implementation. The study also highlights the presumptions regarding adult learners and their training in order to execute adult education curricula effectively. It suggests that in order to offer instruction effectively, the facilitator should focus on these presumptions.
The findings will give facilitators the abilities and information they need to prepare students for instruction and learning in order to execute adult education curricula successfully.
Adult Learners: The study lessens anti-social behavior and helps adult learners enroll in adult education programs and post-secondary institutions. It suggests that adults embrace instruction and learning and be driven to learn in order to close the educational gap and stay up to date on new information.

The study’s findings will also influence the creation of policies and procedures since inspectors from the Federal and State Ministries of Education will know what to look for while conducting inspections. African nations will gain more broadly from the study since its conclusions and suggestions will serve as a point of reference. Above all, the findings of this study will be beneficial to the federal, state, and Nigerian Education Research and Development Council (NERDC) Ministries of Education, especially in light of the ongoing government initiative to implement the Adult Basic Education Curriculum.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study was based on investigating the strategies for effective implementation of adult education programmes in Nigeria. The scope of the study was however restricted to adult learners in selected adult schools in Minna Local Government Areas, Niger State.


1.8 Operational Definitions of Terms