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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00


This study was carried out to study the effect and causes of indiscipline among student in public secondary school using selected school in ota local government area of ogun state.  Specifically,nature of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government, ascertain the factors responsible for indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government, To know the effects of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government, impact of indiscipline on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Ota LGA,  positive measures/strategies being put in place to arrest indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.  

 The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 100 responses were validated from the survey. The study adopted the activity theory. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that teachers should be well trained and devoted, disciplined and hardworking in order to present appropriate model to students. Hence, there should be strict penalty given to a group of students involve in criminal acts so as to serve as a lesson to others. Concerted efforts should be made in enhancing discipline among students through the counseling services in school in other to prevent them from acts of indiscipline and the dangers or effects it will have on one’s future.

Student’s whistle blowers should be implemented in order to checkmate cultist activities, rape, theft etc. There should be increased effort by the principals of schools and examination boards in enhancing the effective supervision of students during examination in order to discourage exam malpractice. To control indiscipline in our secondary schools, the adults that the students look upon as pace-setters should desist from indiscipline, however it is the duty of parents, religions organizations to instill the fear of God into children with respect for elders and the societal norms.




Mbiti (2007:83) defines discipline as the moral capacity or disposition which when ingrained in the human capacity, becomes a powerful habit for self control. Discipline therefore involves the development of an informed conscience within the individual person as part of his or her personality. Jeng (2011) points out that indeed it encompasses training of the mind and character of a person which results to self-control and a habit of obedience. The main reason why students attend school is to receive good education. Sound education can only be provided when there is discipline in schools. Discipline is the number one topic among others in education.

Soet (2005:1), quoting Charles (1981), on attitude towards Education, stated that, teachers, parents, students and the public all place discipline at the top of their concern, with teachers ranking it at the top because it affects learning, their emotional lives and it outweighs all other factors combined in determining a teacher’s success.

Jeng (2011) advises that students should understand that discipline is one of the most fundamental characteristics of a human being in school, in our homes and indeed everywhere in the world. Stakeholders concur that ensuring discipline in schools is top on the agenda because one cannot acquire knowledge without character. It is the one thing in learning that everyone expects and wants. Most educators agree that discipline is the one thing that can make or break a school, for without it, a teacher’s finest efforts may go to zero.

People view discipline in different ways. For some people, discipline is equated with taking preventive measures. According to Okumbe (1998) this type aims at taking precautionary measures and may assume the form of guidance or clarifying values and regulations to students. Padilla (2012), an experienced speaker who facilitates parent workshops for school districts in California, is also of the opinion that, it is indeed a positive procedure that emphasizes and rewards good behavior, instead of punishing bad behavior. Moving closer home, Kenya has not been spared the menace either. The rampant students riots and destruction of school property has been with us over the years and there are no signs it is about to abate. According to the Report on the Causes, Effects and Remedies of indiscipline in secondary schools in Central province, (MOEST, 2000) Public day secondary schools too have been actively involved in the unrests. This study was therefore necessary to carry out a study on the effects and causes of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools.


One of the major growing problems in public secondary schools has always been lack of discipline among students. Most students have been found involved in many acts against rules of the school and thereby causing unrest in most public schools. So many students intentional abscond from school without the fear of been probed or disciplined.

Indiscipline has drastically affected the academic performances of students in public secondary schools. Students are no longer acting in schools as expected but as they desired. Most students get to school very late and it has been observed that no disciplinary measures to taken into effect. Absenteeism and truancy has been a norm among students of public secondary schools. These problems make it obvious that there is a need to carry out a study on the effects and causes of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools, using Ota LGA as a case study.


The general objective of the research is to carry out a study on the effects and causes of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools, using Ota LGA as a case study. The specific objectives are:

1 To find out the nature of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.

2 To ascertain the factors responsible for indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.

3 To know the effects of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.

4 To examine the impact of indiscipline on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Ota LGA.

5 To assess the positive measures/strategies being put in place to arrest indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.  


The relevant research questions related to this study are:

1 What is the nature of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government?

2 What are the factors responsible for indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government?

3  What are the effects of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government?

4 What is the impact of indiscipline on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Ota LGA?

5 What are the positive measures/strategies being put in place to arrest indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government?


The findings of this study contributed to the existing literature of knowledge on the specific causes of indiscipline among students in public day secondary schools in Ota local government of Ogun State. It also shed light into the nature of indiscipline bound to arise as a result of these factors.

The study was significant in availing positive ways of improving discipline. Teachers often punished students without clear consideration of what made them misbehave; they seldom tried to understand the motivating force. Focusing on these factors would enable them to handle their students in a more understanding and better way.

It may also assist parents in monitoring the movement and association of their children with a view to guiding them to become responsible individuals. They are better placed in ensuring good upbringing of their children.

To the ministry of education and policy-makers, it is hoped that the findings may provide insight on how to improve guidance and counseling, life skills education and school-based family units in schools.

The Ministry of Education may also see the need of strengthening these new programs, which are currently lacking in most schools. They may use the outcomes of the study to correct similar problems in other schools in the country.

This study will enhance the existing body of literature by contemplating the areas of the literature that have not yet been examined or considered and incorporating these factors into the current study. The study will thus form the basis for further studies in the field.


The scope of this study is restricted to the effects and causes of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools, using Ota local government area of Ogun State as a case study. Also, the study also addresses the positive measures/strategies being put in place to arrest indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.  


Some of the major constraints the researchers encountered in putting up this research include lack of time, lack of willingness to give information by respondent and also limited resources.


Indiscipline: is defined as a lack of control or punishment.

Absenteeism means either habitual evasion of work, or willful absence as in a strike action. It does not include involuntary or occasional absence due to valid causes, or reasons beyond one’s control, such as accidents or sickness.



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Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.