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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00


The research focused on the impact of Christian education for transgenerational leadership. La Borne Bukavu as a case study. The project is aimed to draw a particular attention to Christian education as means of developing tomorrow’s church leaders. The study is on historical research. The research work adopts library and field based approach; this includes the study of related materials which includes books, journals, thesis and the use of internet, distribution of questionnaires and the conduction of oral interviews. Through the collection and analyzes of questionnaire, the researcher therefore discovered the impact of Christian education on youth is that it builds their faith, activates their love for God and others especially the lost, solidify their relationship and fellowship with God and prepared them as leaders of tomorrow. The researcher therefore recommended that there should be an existing cordial relationship between the elders and the youth in order to avoid the conflict of generation in the church and today’s leaders must educate the upcoming generation by serving as good examples to them to look up to.



1.1       Background to the Study

Christian education is dedicated to helping people discover God’s meaning for life. It goes without saying that Christian education must be founded on Biblical principles if it is to be genuinely Christian. In the first place, it is how Christians through their study of the Bible get to know God and understand His plan for their lives. Secondly it is how Christianity is passed on from generation to the next.

The scriptures say that right from the beginning God laid the foundations of Christian education, after He has created man, He put in him the abilities and intelligence to think and name all which God has created  then He placed in the garden of Eden for him to take care of it, He did not stop there but He  instructed the  man concerning the dos and don’t, He also explain to man the consequences which will follow if he does not obey the instructions given to  him (Genesis 2:15-17).The same process is repeated in the history of Jewish people whereby God kept instructing them on how they should live ,worship…He gave them rules and regulations for them to follow so that they will be called His.

From the time of Adam to nowadays, Bible history shows us that Christian education comes from God and it is needed all over the world. Several people try by all means to have knowledge and be instructed, spending their time, strength and wealth to acquire education in different disciplines .Such people are showing more and more interest in learning because of the significance they attribute to it and the values that come from it; the more a person is educated, the more is considered in the society. Sadly, there is almost no room for Christian education in the list of disciplines that people boast of, no emphasis on the importance of Christian education, not even enough effort to improve the quality of its teachings.

In His post resurrection ministry, Christ instructed the apostles to teach and make disciples, the disciples made should make theirs too till the gospel will reach the whole world but it seems like the  purpose has been changed and replaced with other teachings. The quality of teaching leaders of tomorrow churches are receiving today is seen as been of low quality compared to the expectation of Christ. When He throw His regards in the future to see how the  church will look like He even wondered and asked, “Will I find faith when I will come back? Years back this question look like irrational to many but the way things are going today one can understand this statement better.

1.2       Statement of the Study

This project addresses the need of an effective Christian education for transgenerational leadership in order to build genuine Christians’ leaders of tomorrow. The future of Christian faith relay and depends on the quality of Christians’ leaders produced today. Youth that are to take responsibility of the church of tomorrow seems to be distracted and disengaged from learning more about the basis of  Christian faith. Success or failure to produce good Christian leaders capable to lead and guide the sheep of the Lord depend on the quality of teachings they receive today and the kind of preaching they are listening to daily; what they have  received is what they will give to others.

The question here is why some Christians change so easily their stand when difficulties come? who are to be blame? The quality of Christian teachings declines every day and both youth and Christian educators are not making much effort to redress it. In view of the great advancing of challenges from both secular and religious realm, Christian youths seem to be vulnerable and are easily attracted. Society is going through very tough moments and youth are the most affected by it recession, lack of employment and social consideration is all that they content with. Face to this situation, the world has tried to help them in the way it can and led many to backsliding others involve in so many things that they find difficult to resign from.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study are as follows:

  1. To identify educational method used for tomorrow’s leaders: the church needs a solid leadership and effective Christian education for its longetivity to impact and transform the next generation.
  2. To educate leaders on the importance to provide for the future church a good legacy based in biblical perspective of teaching or discipleship.(Mat 28:19-20).
  • This research will also evaluate the impact of an effective Christian education for the transgenerational leadership , paying particular attention to la maison du potier Bukavu and help to discover what a Christian leader of tomorrow is expected to receive as education today for the perpetuation of sound doctrine.
  1. To single out the need of the church for effective leader.
  2. To enhance the teachings of the church because lack of sound teachings may result in church social gathering where people are just entertained rather than formed disciples in Christ like manner.
  3. To present a biblical understanding and example of the teaching ministry.
  • To identify the main purpose /goal of Christian education.

1.4       Significance of the Study

There are many issues arising today because of Christian education, failure to  purchase an effective Christian education may  cause many damage to the church of Christ and cause other religions to look down at the Christian faith. The researcher will help to address the implication of Christian education in church and society. She will set an alarm for church leaders and youth to uphold biblical basis of teaching for the future transgenerational leaders to be rooted in their faith and believe. Again it will serve as a source of material for the seminary students, church historians and future researches into area related to the subject matter.

1.5       Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on la maison du potier ,Bukavu .It will be limited to the congregation of Ibanda in Bukavu DR Congo and will not extend to daughter churches of the organization. The study will also use the interviews, documents and statement of faith of the church. It will touch previous studies and literatures related to the Christian education.

1.6       Research Methodology

The methods and procedures used in carrying out this research work are as following:

i.   Historical method of research: The research employed more of library and less field work.     

ii. The Library of’ LIFE Theological Seminary and CSS bookshop were consulted for materials on Christian Education and transgenerational leadership.   

iii. Analytical and descriptive method were also be employed.   

iv. Internet Sources were also consulted with adequate reference.     

v.  Relevant people such as Pastors, Christian educators and members were interviewed in the local church and the information was put to use in the study.

1.7       Limitation of the Study

Every research work has some shortcomings which arise as a result of problems encountered by the researcher in the course of the work. The researcher encountered some difficulties in getting the questionnaires to those concerned, some leaders and members given questionnaire were hoarding relevant information. A good number of others did not return their questionnaire. Hence, these limitations did not hinder the researcher to present reliable compilations of the research work.

1.8       Definition of Terms

The following are the definitions of the basic terms employed all through the research:

Transgenerational Leadership:

This is a kind of leadership style which plans and prepares for the succession of the next generations.

Christian Education:

This is the intentional efforts to pass on the Christian faith and lifestyle to others. It involves people of mature faith nurturing others who are growing faith.



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