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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦5,000.00

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The study examined the impact of computer literacy of secondary school students on their academic performance in computer studies in in Ado Local Government Area as a case study. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total at 60 selected staffs and students from five secondary schools in Ado Local Government Area were randomly selected as the population of the study. The study made use of the convenience sampling technique in selecting a total of eighty (80) respondents from the total population. The researcher employed the survey research design and frequency tables for the research methodology. A total of seventy seven (77) questionnaires were administered to respondents of which sixty (60) was returned and validated. For this study a total of 60 was validated for the analysis. The study reveals that students in the study area have good general knowledge of computer, which makes them computer literate. Computer literacy do influence the academic performance of secondary school students in computer studies. Secondary school students do encounter problems in the use of computers in computer studies. It was concluded that there is a high degree of computer literacy among computer studies students in the Ado Local Government Area and that this literacy greatly improves students’ academic performance. The study recommended that secondary schools should organise seminars and workshops on the usage of computer facilities for an enhanced academic performance.



                                             CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the Study

One key indicator of technology advancement in an academic setting is the rising usage of computers by both students and faculty members. Positive effects of computer use have been seen in research and development, information technology, teaching approaches, and other relevant fields of education.

In the past few decades, the government and its agencies have made significant investments in the advancement of the educational sector through the integration of computers and information and communication technology (ICT). These days, computers are used extensively in many spheres of human effort, but particularly in educational institutions. Consequently, in order for pupils to use computers efficiently, they must acquire computer skills (Ogbuiyi, 2015).

The ability to operate a computer effectively and with understanding is known as computer literacy. It can also mean how comfortable a person is using a computer and its applications to solve particular problems. It entails being able to use the computer independently and effectively, as well as to manipulate any related software (Nwafor, 2015) cites (Terry, 2004). The ability to effectively use computers and technology is known as computer literacy. According to (Aitokhuehi et al., 2014), computer literacy can also be defined as an individual’s comfort level when utilizing computer programs and other computer-related activities.

Due to advancements in technology, the term computer literacy has changed to what is commonly referred to as “information literacy”. According to Devi et al. (2018), information literacy is the ability to ascertain when information is needed as well as being able to effectively locate, assess and use the needed information. This includes being proficient at utilizing different ICTs and different types of online information retrieval systems. These abilities are key to achieving success in today’s business and academic environment, where information has become one of the most valuable intangible assets (Devi et al. 2018). As computers are increasingly being utilized, figuring out how to utilize them to oversee the learning process has become a core competency at tertiary institutions.

Schools are reforming the way they teach their students by integrating technology into the realm of education. There is no doubt that computers and their technologies have enhanced teaching and learning in schools. Hence, the importance of computer literacy has soared over the years and it has become essential to make students computer literate. Many applications especially communicating computers are preferred over pen, paper type writers because of their ability to retain information and make editing easy. It is also a fact that computer is becoming common place and powerful. Mbaeze, Ukwandu and Anugu (2010), posited that there is influence of information and communication technology (ICT) on students’ academic performance. Students ought to have been exposed to technology in the class room daily to have computer knowledge. It is the job of all educators to facilitate computer literacy for no society can grow to its fullest without computer literacy in the whole world today.

Computer literacy is of great important in education but is faced with numerous problems ranging from lack of fund for the purchase of computer and its accessories, lack of resource personnel’s, non-utilization of ICT for the teaching and learning process (Albert, 2015). Improving education quality is a priority for most developing nations such that policy makers agree that such improvements could lead to structural shifts in productivity and boost long term economic growth. The use of ICT in the school environment can improve education and human capital development. The use of computer in classroom instruction has transformed teaching and learning, it has improved learning outcome and information sharing. It has supported both the teachers and students for an improvement of the teaching and learning process. It is against this background that the researcher wishes to investigate the impact of computer literacy of secondary school students on their academic performance in computer studies in Ado Local Government Area.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Given the present technological trend, computer literacy has been identified as one of the issues facing Nigeria’s education system, particularly in the Ado Local Government Area of Benue State. Given that the majority of schools do not teach computers at all, the amount of computer literacy in classrooms across the nation is concerning. There aren’t enough computers in schools to match theory with practice, and the ones that do have them are few in number. As a result, theory dominates classroom instruction. In a similar vein, a further issue linked to schools’ poor computer literacy levels is the lack of qualified teachers. There are some incompetent computer science teachers, particularly in rural areas. They are only proficient in the fundamentals of computers, and this does not provide them with the means to effectively instruct the kids in computer literacy. These are a few of the issues raised by this research. Therefore, the researcher aims to determine how computer literacy affects students’ academic achievement in computer studies in Ado Local Government Area.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of computer literacy of secondary school students on their academic performance in computer studies in Ado Local Government Area. Specifically, the study intends to:

  1. Determine the computer literacy level of secondary school students in computer studies in Ado Local Government Area.
  2. Ascertain how computer literacy influence of secondary school students’ academic performance in computer studies.
  3. Identify the problems encountered by secondary school students in the use of computers in computer studies.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were raised and answered to guide the study:

  1. What is the level of computer literacy of secondary school students in computer studies in Ado Local Government Area?
  2. Does computer literacy influence the academic performance of secondary school students in computer studies?
  3. Do secondary school students encounter problems in the use of computers in computer studies?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The objective of this research study is to make a theoretical and practical contribution to the field of computer literacy in Nigerian education. It will investigate ways to raise the level of computer literacy among secondary school students in Benue State and provide common knowledge on the subject. Furthermore, this research study provides suggestions to raise Nigeria’s overall computer literacy level.

The study may persuade the nation’s government and secondary school administrators of the importance of equipping classrooms with computers in order to raise the nation’s computer literacy rate. It will incentivize non-governmental groups to make contributions toward the purchase of computers, computer textbooks, and internet access for secondary schools.

Lastly, it is anticipated that this work will contribute to the body of knowledge. Instructors and post secondary students completing final year projects would also find it helpful.