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Modern HR's Ultimate Resource To Handling Employee Grievances And Incidents Effectively! - All Things Talent

In today’s turbulent business environment, many determinants may affect the overall success of the entire organization. Among such determinants, job performance is the most critical factor which leads to organizational prosperity. Moreover, job performance is the prime interest of the organization because of the importance of achieving high productivity in the workplace (Hunter & Hunter, 2004). Job performance views the observable behaviors that people do in their jobs that are relevant to the goals of the organization and the performance should focus on behaviors rather than outcomes (Campbell, McHenry, & Wise, 1993). When employees are catering to job demands, they are experiencing several job-related dissatisfactions that may result in grievances (Rollinson, 1996). Therefore, issues of grievances are normally associated with dissatisfaction among employees related to working procedure, working facilities, confusions on provisions stated in the company’s policy and violation of provisions in terms and conditions of employment stated in the collective agreement (Salamon, 2000). In resolving grievances, aggrieved employees will file their dissatisfaction through the grievance procedure and their immediate managers or supervisors are responsible to take action within the period given. When considering the importance of increasing employee performance, it was truly beneficial to understand the influence of employee grievances. Thus, this study tends to evaluate the impact of grievances on job performance among operational employees of the company.

The nature and dimensions of challenges been witnessed today arising from poor management
of employee grievance is something every organization must try to avoid at all cost. In fact,
any organization that neglects to put in a place a proper employee grievance mechanism is
making itself vulnerable to systemic inefficiencies that may likely consume the entire
organization. Employee grievance management therefore is vital for continuous industrial
harmony and organizational productivity. Grievance procedures are borne out of employee
feeling of been violated by fellow employees or management. When a good grievance
management procedure is in place, the organization is more likely to experience high employee
morale, commitment, opportunity for reconciliation, and harmonious management-employee
relations which is a vital necessity for improve organizational performance
Certainly, the role and objective of management does not end at only attracting, retaining,
motivating employees, instilling sanctions necessary to elicit employee behaviour responses,
but in also ensuring that an effective grievance management procedure is in place within the
organization. Bean (1996) noted that issues of grievance results from employees been
dissatisfaction with treatment meted out on them. Grievances do also results from employee’s
disagreement with their company’s policy (Ayadurai, 1996). In other words, when a company
policy is not clear to an employee and does not specifically state what and how things should
be done, earned, or ways to express dissatisfaction by employees, grievance is likely to result.
Hardeman (2004) observed that issue of grievance within the organization is identified as the
protest of the employee against the application of the policies that are considered to be unjust
or unfair. In his opinion, Salamon (2000) state that grievance is bound to occur when
management fails to honour or live up to the terms of agreement it entered with the employees
and, or their representatives. However, since it may not be totally possible to stop grievances
from occurring in organization, settling it as fast as it occurs at it root is very vital in order to
stop the grievance from escalating to the point where it becomes a problem that may likely
consume an organization. When grievance occurs, productivity goes down as employee’s
morale and commitments are generally affected (Juneja, 2018).
Effective handling of employee grievance is a vital role of the personnel managers in
organizations today. Danku, Apeteley, Aboagye and Benyebaar (2015) contend that when
grievances are left unhandled or improperly handled, they have profound influence on
motivation, moral, management-labour relationships and negatively affect the productivity of
the organization, therefore, must be tackled with all seriousness. ACAS (2011) posit that
managers try to reduce grievances and other challenges that do arise within an organization’s
workplace by utilizing laid down procedure. Management and immediate supervisors therefore
have a serious role to play in effective management of employees’ grievance.