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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦4,000.00


This study was intended to examine time Management and Organisational Productivity of selected firms in Nigeria. The study was restricted to the premises of Cadbury PLC and 7up Bottling Company both in Lagos State. This study also intend to ascertain the impact of time scheduling strategy on organizational success in selected firms in Nigeria. To evaluate the impact of keep-task-list strategy on organizational survival in selected firms in Nigeria. The study employed the descriptive and explanatory design; questionnaires in addition to library research were applied in order to collect data. Primary and secondary data sources were used and data was analyzed using the chi square statistical tool at 5% level of significance which was presented in frequency tables and percentage. The study findings revealed that there is a significant impact of time scheduling strategy on organizational success in selected firms in Nigeria, there is a significant relationship between time management and organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria. Setting priorities strategy do affect organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria. It was concluded that time management actually affects organizational productivity in the two selected firms in Lagos State. The study recommends that management of the two manufacturing firms in Lagos State should actively engage in prioritizing that will facilitate and improve organizational effectiveness in the organization.

                                            CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the Study

        Time remains a vital resource of every organization. Incidentally, time is very transient, being that once it is spent, it cannot be retrieved. The failure to manage time dampens effectiveness, reduces productivity and causes stress. Time is an essential resource every organization needs to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Every firm is looking for ways to improve time management.  Also, time is never enough for organizations therefore, managers need to plan for and manage all activities that contribute to their performance in a scheduled manner. Lack of planning for organizational activities will result to waste of time and other organizational resources which may hinder the achievement of set goals, objectives and performance generally. This makes effective time management a prerequisite for employee performance and success (TIM & Robert, 2008).

        Effective time management in an organization demands that managers plan how to determine which tasks must be carried out, who is to carry out such tasks, when and how such tasks must be completed. Time management employ exactly what is sound like effective organization of time, planning for the future, scheduling activities, writing to do list and avoid time waster activities (Maganga, 2014). Time management is critical for organisational survival and success. According to (Adebisi, 2013; Forbes, 2016), time is one of the most important assets for any organisation in the business world. Time management is necessary for any organisation to carry out its operations effectively. Therefore for time management to facilitate organizational operations, it is required that managers adopt necessary time management skills, principles and techniques that will help them to carry out their operations as required. Taking these factors into consideration will help an organization to manage time effectively, thus gain performance and growth. Employees that manage their time as required achieve better quality product that meet customers’ expectations.

        The term time management can be misleading as time is difficult to manage because of its intangibility in nature. Time management may be defined as a way of planning, organizing monitoring and controlling time spent on activities (Osawe, 2017). Time management consists of tools and activities that help individual effectively to manage and strategize his or her time. According to (Ojo & Olaniyan, 2008), the following are the attributes of time: Time is a unique resource; It is the scarcest resource in the  universe; Time cannot be replaced by man; Time cannot be accumulated like money; Time cannot be turned on and off like machine; Time cannot be stocked like raw materials; Time passes at a pre-determined rate whatever happens; Everybody is equally endowed with the same amount of it irrespective of his position and Time like any other scarce resource must be managed and used judiciously.  Therefore, time management can be seen as a period, either short or long, which involves how people use their time judiciously to produce result. Time management starts with the commitment to change.

        Therefore, time management does not mean to do most stuff rather it means to do what is deemed important. It also emphasizes to eliminate the inessentials. Better time management results quality work, quality social life and an organized personality but constant planning, review and revision is required until it become a habit (Hisrich & Peters, 2002). Time management can be learned by planning and to stay with it (Steven, 2009). An important part of planning is prioritizing. Prioritizing means list out the tasks you have to do and classify them according to their priority, and then spend most of the time to the important and urgent tasks (Tavakoli et al, 2013). Time management helps identify needs and wants in terms of their importance and matches them with time and other resources (Ezine, 2008). Time management brings about orderliness and enables one to be more productive and fulfilled. The value of time management lies in the fact that people have too many tasks they need to do but not enough time for the things that they want to do.

        Organizational productivity is important because it helps in scaling the vantage position occupied by an organization over competitors. Organizations that are productive achieve higher customer patronage, satisfy their shareholders, stakeholders and are sustainable especially in the competitive business world (Eruteyan, 2008). Accordingly, the productivity of organizations especially in a complex and dynamic business world where competition among businesses is at the peak depends to a large extent on how they effectively manage time. Thus, time management may lead to employee performance which in turn leads to organizational productivity, through competitive advantage and customers’ satisfaction. This study therefore examines time management and organizational productivity of selected firms in Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

        Time management is a major means by which an organization can improve its productivity. Low productivity among workers in Nigeria is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been reported in the past that the average industrial capacity utilization in Nigeria is below 50 per cent and that phenomenon has not changed (Atuma, 2016). Managers of firms in Nigeria often complain that they never get everything accomplished. Something always seems to occur and prevents them from completing tasks which they had hoped to finish the same day. As a result, they find themselves spending more hours at work and still fall further behind. Everyone has exactly 24 hours per day to complete work and enjoy a personal life, and it is those with better time management skills are able to get more accomplished work result. Nigerian firms faces a number of problems and challenges centering on inefficiencies due to its time management such as lack of Job security, poor working conditions of employees, lack of adequate maintenance of human resource policy, lack of proper structuring of the organization which is required to have a new trend that would enhance its efficiency and make it feasible, poor team building and lack of self-discipline (Maganga, 2014). Despite the importance of time in the provision of goods and services in an organization, not much attention seems to have been paid to it. In Nigeria, workers are not time conscious and such duties or task are not being discharged as at when needed. With regards to this, productivity turns out to be low, due to delay in performances of various tasks. Due to poor output, most organization’s objectives are no longer provide satisfaction to customer needs. However, these are the developments that prompt the researcher to identify the following problems in the course of this study. Therefore, this study is meant to investigate time management and organizational productivity of selected firms in Nigeria.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

        The primary aim of this study is to examine time management and organizational productivity of selected firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives is to:

  1. Ascertain the impact of time scheduling strategy on organizational success in selected firms in Nigeria.
  2. Determine the relationship between time management and organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria.
  3. Examine the effect of setting priorities strategy on organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria.
  4. Evaluate the impact of keep-task-list strategy on organizational survival in selected firms in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions

        The following research questions were formulated to guide the study;

  1. Is there any significant impact of time scheduling strategy on organizational success in selected firms in Nigeria?
  2. Are there any significant relationship between time management and organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria?
  3. Does setting priorities strategy affect organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria?
  4. Is there any significant effect of keep-task-list strategy on organizational survival in selected firms in Nigeria?

1.5 Statement of Hypotheses

        The hypotheses for the study have been formulated. These null hypotheses are as follows:

H0: Time scheduling strategy has no significant effect on organizational success.

H1: Time scheduling strategy has a significant effect on organizational success.

H0: There is nosignificant relationship between time management and organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria.

H2: There is asignificant relationship between time management and organizational productivity in selected firms in Nigeria.

1.6 Significance of the Study

        It is often imperative to question what would be the significance of any endeavor, be it academic or otherwise. This is also applicable in this study. The researcher anticipates that at the completion of this study, the findings would be beneficial to management of the firms under study, employee of the organization and future researcher. The outcome of this study will help members of the organization to understand the importance of time management in increasing higher productivity. Also, it will help the organizational decision makers to formulate different strategies for time management. The outcome of this study will help management of organizations in providing adequate information needed by policy makers to formulate policies as to time saving methods and how they can utilize them to enhance productivity. The outcome of this study will help future researcher in writing research report because it provide useful information related to the topic or when there is need for review on this particular topic. Thus project work will serve as a foundation that will ease further research.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

        The present study revolves around the entire federation; since it examines time management and organizational productivity of selected firms in Nigeria, the dynamic scope of the study has a national outlook and it will thus be ideal to embark on the study in the entire federation. However, it becomes very necessary for the researcher to narrow it down to the premises of selected firms in Lagos State, with a view of finding a lasting solution to the challenges.

Although in the cause of this study the researcher encounters some constraint which limited the scope of the study. Such as;

a)     Finance: The finance available for the research work does not allow for wider coverage as resources are very limited as the researcher has other academic bills to cover.

b)     Time: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider         coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

c)     Respondents Reluctant Attitude: Refusal of some of selected respondents from firms in the study area to complete the questionnaires or to be interviewed. This made primary data collection a difficult exercise.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

        For the purpose of clarity, these terms that may be confusing to the reader are defined in the context of their usage in the work the following order:

Time Management: Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

Firm: A firm is an organization which sells or produces something or which provides a service which people pay for.

Time Scheduling:  is a collection of techniques used to develop and present schedules that show when work will be performed. The results of all these techniques are usually presented as activities or bars on a timeline, known as a Gantt chart.

Keep-Task-List: it is nothing but a list of tasks you need to complete in a certain period of time. It is alsothe analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.

Strategy: Strategy is a general plan to achieve one or more long-term or overall goals under conditions of uncertainty.

Organizational productivity: Capacity of a business to produce desired results with a minimum expenditure of resources (time, money, human resources).

Organizational efficiency: Process of using fewer resources, as well as less time and less money, to achieve the same goal.

Organizational Success:  Success is measured by analyzing where the organization is in regards to its goals and its mission.