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Teacher Qualification and Teaching Methods as Correlates to Senior Secondary Student Performance in English Language

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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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The Best Teacher Qualifications For Resume Building




The quality of a country’s education can be determined by the caliber of its teachers. Employing experienced trained teachers in all schools is the most important factor in improving pupils’ English language advancement (Abe and Adu, 2013). Okuruwa (2010) discovered a link between governmental investment in teacher quality and better student achievement. Teacher preparation and certification, in particular, are correlated with students’ English language achievement. It is also highlighted that instructor characteristics such as certification status and degree in field of expertise are extremely significant and positively related to students’ English Language learning outcomes. This report backed up Salman’s (2009) findings. Academic competence in English is important to achieving this goal for a country like Nigeria, which aspires rapid technological advancement. The language of instruction in all other fields is English, which is a necessary instrument for expression and communication. A number of academics have advocated for the use of English in the teaching of critical subjects such as Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, and so on in Nigerian secondary schools, citing the role that language played in the development experiences of nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

Academically qualified teachers are those who received academic training as a result of enrollment in an educational institution and earned qualifications such as HND, B.Sc, B.A, and M.A., among others, whereas professionally qualified teachers received professional training that provided them with professional knowledge, skills, techniques, and aptitudes in addition to general education (Akpo, 2012). They hold degrees such as B.Ed., B.Sc. Ed., B.A. Ed., and M.Ed. Teachers have the greatest direct impact on a student’s academic progress and are the most important school-based component in their education (Rockoff, 2004; Rivkin, HanushekKain 2005; Aaronson, Barrow, & Sander, 2007). This is why it is vital to look at which teacher characteristics are linked to student academic progress. Consideration of which teacher characteristics encourage the highest student academic success at the Senior Secondary School level may help the school establish unique techniques to improving student performance using the teacher qualification at their disposal.

Excellence in academic life necessitates a high degree of intelligence; nevertheless, new research has revealed that, in addition to intelligence, there are other variables that can be valuable predictors of academic performance (Busato, Prins, Elshout, &Hamaker, 2009, 2000; Chamorro Premuzic&Furnham, 2013). Qualifications of teachers are one of the variables. Teachers’ qualities represent their intellectual, social, and emotional stability, passion for students, ability to inspire students, and positive approach toward teaching (Afe, 2013). Teachers’ qualifications are a measure of how well the educational objectives are met. It is defined as the net gain in intellectual capacity and abilities as measured by students’ academic performance (Afe, 2013; Evans, 2006). The qualification of teachers is the single most critical element in students’ achievement. It exceeds other factors that influence student performance, such as class size, gender, and socioeconomic status of pupils. A teaching qualification or teacher qualification, according to Abe and Adu (2013) and Wiki (2013), is one of a variety of academic and professional degrees that allows a person to become a registered teacher in both primary and secondary schools. The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGDE) is one example of such a qualification. The Professional Diploma in Education (PDE), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), and Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) are the three levels of education. Most states employ both academically and professionally prepared teachers to carry out the educational procedure (Ahiazu and Prince Will, 2011). Tebabal and Kahssay (2011) state that the basic goal of teaching at any level of education is to effect fundamental change in the learner. Teachers should use appropriate teaching approaches that best suit specific objectives and level exit outcomes to facilitate the process of information transmission. In the past, many teaching practitioners used teacher-centered strategies to convey knowledge to students rather than student-centered methods. Until now, questions about the effectiveness of instructional approaches on student learning have constantly piqued the interest of educational researchers (Hightower et al., 2011). Teachers cannot be devalued in any manner while discussing information transfer or education. Teachers have an important role in knowledge transfer. According to Ali (2009), there is a statistically significant association between teacher education and student academic performance.

The consistent supply of human and material resources is one of the most important conditions for developing good schools with high academic performance. In several Nigerian states, the ratio of unqualified instructors in primary and secondary schools exceeds 80% (Daso, 2013).  As a result, the large percentage of incompetent teachers in public secondary schools is a major contributor to students’ poor academic performance. The unsatisfactory outcomes of pupils in Nigeria’s Senior Secondary Council Examination (SSCE) over the years are a prominent indicator of this low performance. Students’ poor SSCE performance is linked to a reduction in the quality of teaching and learning. Students’ poor SSCE performance is linked to a reduction in the quality of teaching and learning. Better student results are the primary sign of a teacher’s efficiency, effectiveness, competency, and certification.




Academic performance among Nigerian students has recently declined dramatically. Ewetan (2010) says that the present-day secondary school students, on the average can no longer perform what primary school kids used to do in those days academic-wise. Students’ poor academic performance can be ascribed to a lack of trained, qualified, competent, experienced, and professional teachers, among other things. The academic achievement of students in English Language is heavily reliant on the teacher’s knowledge of the subject matter and ability to effectively provide instruction to the pupils. However, a variety of factors can impede or impede efficient information dissemination and student comprehension of the subject. These factors include a lack of competent teachers, teachers’ qualifications, experience, and insufficient use of instructional resources, among others. While the current study aims to investigate teacher qualification and teaching approach as predictors of senior secondary students’ English language performance.


The main objective of the study is to examine teacher qualification and teaching methods as correlate to senior secondary student performance in English Language.

The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the effect of teacher qualification on the performance of senior secondary students in English Language
  2. To investigate the effect of teachers’ action on students’ disposition towards the study of English Language.
  • To ascertain the effect of teaching method on the academic performance of senior secondary school student in English Language.
  1. Is there any significant effect of teacher qualification on the performance of senior secondary student in English Language?
  2. Is there any significant effect of teachers’ action on students’ disposition towards the study of English Language?
  • Is there any significant effect of teacher-student interaction on student academic performance in English Language?




Based on the above research objectives, the following hypotheses were formulated and consequently tested in order to achieve the purpose of the study:

H01: There is no significant effect of teacher qualification on the performance of senior secondary student in English Language.

H02:  There is no significant effect of teachers’ action on students’ disposition towards the study of English Language.

H03: There is no significant effect of teacher-student interaction on student academic performance in English Language



This study will examine closely at the impact of teachers qualifications on students’ academic performance. It will benefit educational stakeholders such as teachers, parents, students, school administration, ministries of education, educational researchers, and society at large.

The study will serve a guide line for schools in recruiting teachers and also help already recruited teachers in improving their teaching methods

It will enlighten teachers on how to teach effectively classroom for proper assimilation on the parts of the students and also how to motivate their students to higher academic performance.

It will be of benefit to schools administrators as it will help ensure that only trained, competent and experienced teachers are employed in the teaching profession.

The study will make student aware to comprehend the style of teaching adopted by their teachers for effective learning outcomes.

It will be of benefit to government as it will make them realize the need to formulate attractive incentive package to stir up the commitment and dedication of teachers to their jobs.

Future researchers will be guided via this study in their prospective research undertakings.


This study examined teacher qualification and teaching method as correlates to senior secondary student performance in English Language with strong emphasis on some selected senior secondary school students in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area in Rivers state.


Teachers: A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.

Educational Qualification: It is the official confirmation, usually in the form of a certificate, diploma or degree, certifying the successful completion of an education program or a stage of a program.

Teaching Experience: It is the culmination of skills, exposure or training acquired over time that enables you to perform an existing job better or prepare you for a teaching position.

Secondary School: It refers to high or senior school which provides post-primary education for students depending on location, after primary education and before higher education.

Teaching Method: It is the broader techniques used to help students achieve learning outcomes, while activities are the different ways of implementing these methods.

Academic Performance: It refers to the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects.

Teacher Qualification: It refers to academic and professional qualifications that enables a person to become a registered teacher at all levels of education.



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