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Learning Made Easy: The Role of Teaching Aids in Modern Education -  Journalyst


This study was conducted as an investigation into the role of teaching aids in the effective teaching and learning of English language in primary schools in selected secondary schools in Lagos State. It has been demonstrated that the employment of teaching aids in the English teaching process is beneficial and more effective than the traditional method. Teaching aids provide grasp perceptual pictures, which are thought to be the foundation of language acquisition, by providing physical images to accompany spoken or written words. The learning process is made easier and more permanent when these resources are used effectively. They enable us to teach effectively and efficiently by bringing the outside world into the classroom. A straightforward randomization strategy was utilized to sample of eighty (80) primary six (6) student and twenty (20) English Language teachers, and a questionnaire served as the primary data collection tool. The acquired data was then analyzed using a basic percentage analysis. The study found that teachers must use all of these teaching aids during the teaching process. Teachers must acquire the required skills to provide quality education, as well as inform students about the relevance of these aids and how they make the teaching-learning process clear, straightforward, and engaging. It was suggested that schools give enough Teaching Aids to help teachers clarify their lessons. When employing instructional aids, the instructor should be clear about the objectives of education, so that the proper material is used at the right time and place.




                                            CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background of the Study

Among other things, colonization brought the English language to many nations. English became the language of trade, communication, and missionary endeavors as early as the start of the 19th century. It is a national and international communication tool used by nations like Ghana and Nigeria. From elementary school through postsecondary education, the English language is the medium of teaching throughout these geographic areas. English language training has evolved throughout time and now takes place outside of the conventional classroom. Instructors are becoming aware of the extreme inefficiency of the traditional methods of teaching information and skills (Amidya and Ranor, 2015).

Using teaching tools can improve the way that lessons are taught. It serves as a tool to help teachers explain things more clearly and effectively. The teaching profession is developed by modern teaching aids. The nature and purposes of contemporary teaching aids vary widely. Children nowadays are presented with an abundance of options when it comes to educational tools, ranging from laptops for learning to toys. There are games and exercises tailored to a learner’s developmental level. The primary cause is that, while there are some excellent teachers, they are not well qualified. Our educational system needs to adapt to the needs of evolving technologies in order to close this gap. Since our primary methods of instruction involve using whiteboards and lecture notes, which foster a positive learning environment between teachers and students, there are other tools and systems that can help make teaching more pleasurable. The teaching profession is experiencing a quality issue in today’s educational system. As a result, the value of instructional resources in helping students improve their English as a second language cannot be overstated. According to Nwachukwu (2006), teaching aids are tools designed to help teachers convey structured knowledge and attitudes toward students in a learning environment. To increase instructor effectiveness and raise student performance, teaching aids are important and necessary instruments for instruction.

Studying the English language can help people live happy, free lives and achieve their goals in life by connecting them to all other subjects and facets of human existence. It entails examining individuals in light of their social, intellectual, cultural, economic, physical, and psychological lives. It has to do with how people grow holistically in order to become contributing members of society. Nigerians were first exposed to the English language by their colonial overlords. Nigeria’s multilingual population led to the English language becoming a second language, which aids in national unification. It was believed that the English language was the only official medium of communication and the only official means of instruction for those preparing to work in government. As a result, English became the primary language of Nigeria. That is a “convenience” language to use when speaking with Nigeria’s many ethnic groups. English has developed into a vital medium for international communication, national integration, and unification. When teaching and learning the English language, instructional tools are essential. This is especially crucial because English is not a native tongue and contains many intricate ideas. These ideas are made simpler by the use of instructional tools, which makes teaching and learning enjoyable and worthwhile endeavors. On the other hand, materials that only appeal to the sense of sight are known as visual aids. Visual aids are distinct from auditory aids since auditory aids solely target the sense of hearing. Materials that simultaneously stimulate the senses of hearing and sight are known as audio-visual aids. They are meant to support and enhance the spoken instruction provided by teachers to students. These audio-visual aids include, among others, opaque projectors, slides, radios, cassette recorders, televisions, transparent films, film strips, microscopes, globes, and so on. They have a significant impact on the process of teaching and learning.

Thus, it is impossible to overstate the value of English in the Nigerian educational system. It is the language of instruction from the fourth year of primary school to secondary and university level, to guarantee that every child has a firm grasp of it. The field of study known as educational technology includes the use of audio-visual aids in instruction.  They facilitate learning and support the achievement of educational goals. Early in human history, it must have become clear that using tools to instruct was necessary. Before reading and writing were invented, parents taught their kids with crude tools. The developing kid needed to be taught how to carry out certain tasks with basic tools, such as going hunting with a bow and arrows or utilizing sticks and spears. In certain cases, if the instrument was used to show a task, explanations are not needed. The instructor quickly found that using these resources reduced the need for in-depth explanation and increased student engagement and effectiveness.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

For Nigerians, English is a second language, making it difficult to master. In this context, using instructional aids becomes essential. For example, a variety of teaching tools such as radio, television, dramatized classes, and the like are needed to teach spelling, punctuation, and other subjects. These instructional aids’ primary goals are to assure memory and promote learning (Bittner, Mark, 2009). The way the human brain develops dictates that instructional aids must be used when teaching languages. The reason languages are abstract is to facilitate integration. For instance, using instructional aids enables students to actively apply grammar rules and spot use errors as soon as they happen. Sadly, when teaching and mastering the English language, teachers rarely use instructional tools. The pupils’ academic level determines which instructional tool should be used. On the other hand, teaching English has benefited from the usage of audio resources. Additionally, it has been noted that there is no usage of teaching aids in the teaching or learning of English in our institutions, particularly in our senior secondary schools. Teachers these days are observed providing abstract explanations for tasks that, in all likelihood, might have been simplified with the use of instructional tools. During class instruction, students don’t bother to consult their textbooks. Even now, a large portion of them do not utilize them as an extra learning resource after school. Thus, the purpose of this study is to ascertain how teaching aids contribute to the efficient teaching and learning of English in Nigerian primary schools.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The primary purpose of this study is to identify the Role of Teaching Aids in the Effective Teaching and Learning of English Language in Primary Schools in Nigeria. The study objectives includes:

  1. To examine the influence of the sue of Teaching Aids on the teaching of English language in Primary schools
  2. To ascertain the extent to which Primary school student’s learning of English language can be influenced by the use of Teaching Aids.
  • To determine whether there will be any difference in the performance of Primary schools students in English language due to the use of Teaching Aids.

1.4 Research Questions

In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the following research questions were generated to guide the investigation:

  1. Will the use of Teaching Aids influence the teaching of English language in Primary schools?
  2. To what extent can Primary school students learning of English language be influenced by the use of Teaching Aids?
  • Will there be any difference in the performance of Primary school student in English language due to the use of Teaching Aids?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested during the study.

  • The use of Teaching Aids will not have significant influence on the teaching of English language in Primary
  • The use of Teaching Aids will not have significant positive influence on Primary school students’ learning of English language.
  • There will be no significant difference in the performance of students in English language due to the use of Teaching Aids.